More Photos with Adox CMS 20 II

Earlier in the summer I shot another roll of Adox CMS 20 II. As I’ve stated before, I really love how this stuff looks. I eventually want to experiment making presentation slides with it, or capturing newspaper articles with is since it was originally for microfilm.

This time around, however, I took it with me to capture a few photos of the sunflowers in North Caddo a week after the local sunflower festival. This happened in the middle of June. I made several stops along the way to take photos of sunflowers and other things along my route to Gilliam where I stopped at a local mom and pop place for lunch before turning back south and going home. Like last time as well, I blew up some of the photos to give an idea of how high the resolution of this film is.

I also took some photos of the sunflowers on medium format and in color as well. That will be another post sometime soon.

Then later in July, I visited my sister in New Orleans and shot most of the rest of the roll.

I still have enough developer for another three rolls of film, so I’ll be shooting more of it soon.

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